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National Taiwan University (NTU) is a national co-educational research university located in Taipei, Taiwan. Its main campus is located in Taipei's Da'an District. In addition, the university has 6 other campuses in Taipei and elsewhere. The University consists of 11 colleges, 54 departments, 103 graduate institutes and over 50 research centers. The total number of students, including those enrolled at the School of Professional and Continuing Studies, has grown to over 33,000, including over 17,000 university students and 15,000 graduate students.

NTU is considered one of the most prestigious universities in Taiwan. It also has strong ties with the Academia Sinica in Taiwan in the form of research and teaching collaborations and a joint program office.

Important Dates



1 Feb - 30 September 2020
Acceptance Notification

Acceptance Notification

30 June 2020
Presentation Video Upload

Presentation Video Upload

15 July - 30 September 2020


15 July - 6 November 2020
NTD 3,000
(approximate 100 USD)
PSE Asia 2020

PSE Asia 2020

4-6 Nov 2020